Keto Kashi cravings
The ketogenic diet is one of the diets that has gained widespread attention in recent years. However, it is also one of the diets that is the most challenging to follow.
Sugary cereal seems to always be one of the items that are prohibited when beginning a new diet, and it is always one of the foods that is prohibited.
Kashi is a popular brand of cereal that offers a variety of low-sugar, whole-grain cereals as well as snack bars. You may be familiar with this brand.
The Kashi brand, which is owned by Kellogg’s, is introducing its first product specifically for people who are following a ketogenic diet with the debut of its new Kashi Go Keto cereal.
People who are trying to cut back on their consumption of sugar and carbohydrates are another audience for this cereal.
Both the Kashi Go Keto Cinnamon Vanilla Cereal and the Kashi Go Keto Dark Cocoa Cereal sounded like they would be delicious, so we decided to give them a try. We were not let down by their flavor at all.
The taste test
Because cinnamon and vanilla is pretty much my ideal combination of breakfast flavors, we dove right into that one first.
This was a great departure from my typical morning routine, during which we consume a large amount of oats flavored with cinnamon.
After pouring a bowl of the spherical O-shaped cereal, which boasts an astounding 12 grams of protein in each serving, we poured some oat milk over it and started eating it.
The cereal has a wonderful flavor.
In contrast to the aftertaste of certain other high-protein cereals and snacks, this one does not have a peculiar flavor.
It has a distinct crunch, and the consistency was exactly the same as a conventional grain-based cereal. However, it did not have the grainy feeling that we have come to expect with high-protein snack replacements.
The next day, we experimented with eating the cinnamon vanilla cereal with whole milk, which is the most keto-friendly method to consume high-protein cereal, and I found that it made the cereal even more delicious.
After consuming the first box in its entirety in a span of around two days, we moved on to the dark cocoa taste.
It was likewise of very high quality!
It tasted more like chocolate than it did like sugar, and if you’ve ever had any of Kashi’s other dark chocolate products, you’ll recognize the flavor immediately.
Both tastes had the flavor profile of what we would consider to be “adult cereals,” as opposed to the more protein-packed varieties of breakfast cereals that are promoted to children.
The fact that the portion size was so little meant that we did not feel satisfied enough to make it till lunch, which was a drawback for me. Nutritionists say there is a good explanation for this.
The cereal undergoes extensive processing.
This isn’t always a horrible thing to have happen.To ensure that customers are aware of exactly what they are purchasing they need to check out the label carefully. See what’s been extracted mechanically and chemically (especially look out for the word ‘bleached’!)
Other keto options
Magic Spoon is an excellent keto cereal choice for those individuals who are able to consume dairy products.
According to dietitians, the cinnamon-flavored grain-free cereal from Magic Spoon is a go-to choice for ready-made cereals.
Because it is produced with a milk-protein blend, people who are allergic to dairy products should not consume it. Because of this, it is recommended that it be had with either almond milk or coconut milk.
When you want something sweet and exciting to eat in the morning that will complement your keto diet, the texture and taste are excellent.
($39 for a pack of four.)
You might also consider a simple dish of stewed prunes for your breakfast meal.
Prunes are high in fiber and potassium. Their natural sweetness doesn’t interfere with hypoglycemic diets and works well on a keto regime as well. Do not use the pitted prunes, since the machinery involved in pitting them requires the addition of some chemical additives that can cause hormonal imbalances.
Figs are also another fine morning meal that are filling, nutritious, and completely keto kosher. If you live in an area that sells seasonal fresh figs then don’t hesitate to stock up on them. They’ll keep for several weeks in your refrigerator. But since the majority of us live outside the blessed fresh fig-o-sphere, we have to settle for dried figs. Which contain an enormous amount of fiber and hardly any carbs. Beware of dried figs that have had sugar added to them, or cornstarch to keep them from sticking together. This alters their ketogenic qualities.
When in doubt, always read the labels carefully. They are your best guide to whether or not a food item is really keto kosher or not.