September 8, 2024

Ghee vs. butter

Ghee is a common ingredient in Indian cooking, and in recent years, it has also become popular in other cuisines. Experts recommend ghee is an alternative to butter because it is good for your health. What good things does ghee do for your health, and why should you eat it? 

What does ghee mean?

Ghee is a type of clarified butter that is higher in fat and more concentrated because there are no milk solids or water. Most of the time, companies make this kind of butter from the milk of cows (usually cows that eat grass), but people also make it from the milk of buffalo.

Since hundreds of years ago, ghee has been an important part of Pakistani and Indian culture. First made to keep butter from going bad when people kept it in a warm place. Healers also use Ghee in Ayurvedic medicine, which is a type of alternative medicine used in India. in many different cultures Ghee has its uses for a long time. Many of these cultures believe it has health benefits, such as helping the nervous and immune systems and keeping heart disease at bay.

Ghee doesn’t need refrigeration because there are no milk solids. It can be kept at room temperature for a few weeks without going bad. You can make your own ghee at home with butter from cows that eat grass. 

Ghee is made by heating unsalted butter to a high enough temperature to separate the solid and liquid parts of the milk from the fat.

You bring the butter to a vigorous boil over high heat until all of its liquid evaporates. At this point, the milk solids sink to the bottom of the pan and turn a color that ranges from golden to dark brown.

Once the rest of the ghee has cooled to room temperature, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve before putting it in jars or other storage containers.

What are the good things about eating ghee?

Some of the good things that ghee does for your health are listed below. 

1. Foods that can be eaten on a ketogenic diet!

Ghee has a little more fat than butter, as well as a little more butyric acid and a lot of other short-chain fatty acids. Because it has very few carbs, ghee is a food that is good for people on the keto diet. Also, ghee has a lot of vitamin A and vitamin E, which are both fat-soluble vitamins. 

2. Could be good for reducing inflammation

Ghee has a certain type of fat in it that has been linked in research to possibly helping with inflammation and digestion. Several diseases and disorders have been linked to inflammation.

3. Butter Alternative

Unlike butter, which has small amounts of both casein and lactose, ghee doesn’t have any of these milk proteins or sugars. Instead, it is made of milk fat and nothing else. People who are allergic to or sensitive to milk and other dairy products can use ghee instead of butter and other dairy products. 

4. Calms the skin and stops itching

Some people use ghee as a cream to treat wounds, rashes, and burns. Research has shown that ghee has good effects on the skin, such as antibacterial, antioxidant, and healing properties. This might be because the food has a lot of vitamin E and vitamin A.

5. Safer for Cooking

Studies show that cooking with ghee is safer and better at withstanding heat than cooking with vegetable oils. This is especially true when the temperature is high. 

6. It could help people who want to lose weight

Compared to butter, ghee has more conjugated linoleic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fat that may help reduce body fat. 

Ghee for aching muscles

Another fascinating aspect of ghee is that people use it in Ayurveda medicine on the Indian subcontinent and have for thousands of years. This is not folk medicine, but a well documented and disciplined science that Western doctors are just beginning to understand and appreciate. In the Ayurveda medical practice, ghee has a number of uses. It is often rubbed as a liniment on aching back muscles, with proven relief benefits and no negative side effects. Indian men and women have used ghee for centuries to slow down hair loss. In the Himalayas ghee is used extensively to prevent chapped lips and hands during the harsh winter months. Mixed with camphor, ghee is often spread on children’s skin to soothe bug bites and prevent heat rash. It is also effective in curing cradle cap in newborns. A common laxative in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia consists of two tablespoons of ghee taken with a glass of warm water.